Erectile Dysfunction

5 Causes Men Can Experience Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a health problem most feared by men. How come? Complaints on this “man’s weapon” can make a household relationship cold and less harmonious. Even so, many men yet feel reluctant to discuss with pharmaceutical experts about this condition. Erectile dysfunction can be overcome by getting out the cause, you know.

Getting to Know Erectile Dysfunction in Men

What is erectile dysfunction is the weakness of a man to achieve or maintain an erection properly for intercourse. There are three signs of erection problems, namely an erection that is less firm so that you cannot have intercourse, an erection that is not long enough, and an erection that occurs more often than usual.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Generating physical desire in a man is not an easy process. This process requires good cooperation from the brain, nerves, muscles, blood vessels, hormones, & emotions. Well, erectile dysfunction usually happens when these things have problems. It may be a combination of several conditions.

  1. Suffering from Certain Diseases

Often the cause of a man feeling erectile dysfunction is due to certain diseases, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, blockage of blood vessels (atherosclerosis), obesity, metabolic syndrome, Peyronie’s disease, and sleep disturbances.

In addition, diseases that attack the nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis, stroke, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, & Guillain-Barre syndrome, can also affect a man’s erection ability. Certain hormonal imbalances also very often cause erectile dysfunction, for example, hyperthyroidism (excess thyroid hormone), hypothyroidism (thyroid hormone deficiency), and hypogonadism which causes testosterone deficiency.

  1. Having Psychological Problems

The brain an essential role in triggering an erection. Erections occur when physical arousal begins to arise when stimulated. However, this process can be disrupted if there are certain psychological problems, such as stress, depression, anxiety, or problems with your partner.

Age and stress level can determine a person’s erection problems. In addition, there are also psychological parts, such as widower syndrome, that can cause erectile dysfunction. This syndrome is often encountered by men who have lost their wives. Men with low self-esteem often experience erectile dysfunction.

  1. Drugs

Although it is useful for treating disease, drugs often cause side effects, one of which is erectile dysfunction. Several types of drugs may trigger physical problems, namely antidepressants, antipsychotics, lowering high blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, drugs for prostate cancer, and the use of illegal drugs. Cenforce 150 and Vilitra the treatment for erectile dysfunction.

  1. As a result of injury

It can cause erectile dysfunction. Injury to the pelvis that can affect the male physical organs can also cause physical problems.

In addition, riding a bicycle & motorcycle for a long time can also lead to erectile dysfunction because this habit can put pressure on the area around the anus.

  1. Postoperative side effects

Some types of surgery can cause side effects in the form of erectile dysfunction, such as surgery on the brain & spine. This is because in both parts of the body, there are nerves that improve the erection process. Operations performed on the pelvis, or the spine also risk damaging the nerves and blood vessels, Vilitra 20 and Vilitra 60 to solve erection problems.

Other medical measures that may also trigger erectile problems are surgery on the prostate gland, radiation therapy for colon or bladder cancer, and surgical removal of the colon.

Those are 5 reasons men can experience erectile dysfunction that you must know.